Let’s explore EXTROVERSION– one of the 4 Cornerstone Behavioral Traits
FYNS precisely measures four cornerstone behavioral traits, Dominance, Extroversion, Pace/Patience, and Conformity. These are the DNA of your individual strengths, and combine to form your Basic/Natural Self, that is, how you function when there is freedom to respond in a completely natural way.
In these posts, we are taking time to explain in some detail a key description of each trait. In our first post, we looked at Dominance, your “take-charge” trait. Next let’s look at Extroversion, your “People Trait.”
Extroversion, referred to as the “People Trait,” gives us precise insight into how a person functions relevant to being: outgoing, empathetic, persuasive, enthusiastic, motivating, and organizational builders to name a few.
Each of us have varying degrees and intensity of Extroversion. For example, two team members may be on opposite ends of the extroversion spectrum. One high and one low. You might be on the high end of the extroversion spectrum described as an outgoing persuasive promoter to accomplish results, whereas your teammate may be on the low end of the extroversion spectrum described as a quiet creative thinker to accomplish results.
The high Extroversion person is highly outgoing, empathetic, persuasive, enthusiastic, motivating, and an organizational builder. They want recognition, status, favorable working environments, opportunities, and team involvement. They don’t want to be unappreciated, rejected, or isolated.
When speaking to us they are positive, articulate, and constantly aware of others.
When listening they respond to approval and don’t like insults.
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On the opposite end of the spectrum, like your teammate we just talked about, the strengths of your teammate’s low Extroversion might be described as:
- Contemplative, reserved
- Enjoy quietness and time to think
- Selective in whom they place trust
- Value personal privacy
- May have creative, individualistic and imaginative approach
- Communicate cautiously, sincerely, and unpretentiously
- May be skeptical when pressured by someone perceived as flamboyant
Remember, the higher your extroversion, the more social/relational you will be, the lower the extroversion the more reserved you will be. It takes a combination of different people with different strengths for true success and fulfillment in the journey!
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