96% Accuracy
Statistical Research
Working Population
20 Languages
By the Numbers
Over 5,000,000 surveys completed to date
Coefficients between .80 and .94 for all factors (.60 is considered standard)
96% of people surveyed agree with their survey results
Quick, Accurate, and Reliable
Founded with a single, simple mission: For you to have a clear knowledge of your strengths. So, you can better live from your strengths. And, have greater joy and success.
Research Studies & Information
We are proud that PDP is based in scientific research conducted alongside leading behavioral scientists and focused entirely on the working adult population. We have not set out to prove a theory and do not study students to try to understand professionals, instead we go straight to the source – working population – and develop programs in response to findings. The result is a top notch way of helping people understand themselves and experience success.
Stringent Research Parameters
Since the beginning, stringent research parameters have been used so all PDP system results are as accurate as they can be. The industry standard for correlating coefficients is only 60%, but the PDP standard is at minimum 80%. Research is based on stimuli response rather than relying solely upon a self-perception method, helping garner real-world applicable results. A variable norm is used to accurately determine individual strengths in comparison to other strengths rather than to population norms. These standards help us offer a comprehensive and complete assessment that can be used to place employees, help team members work together, and empower managers.
Validation Studies
We also participate in validation studies to help show the continuous applicability of all PDP system results. These studies are designed to measure effectiveness and accuracy as well as ensure that PDP systems are always relevant.