Every person is unique with a basic style (natural strengths) to grow, to serve, to reach their full potential, and experience fulfillment. The FYNS (Find Your Natural Strengths) approach helps you find your strengths by precisely measuring four cornerstone behavioral traits: Dominance, Extroversion, Pace/Patience, and Conformity. When we say precisly measure, we use pinpoint accuracy for each of the four cornerstone traits, measuring the level of intensity for each trait on a Seven Sigma scale.
These four cornerstone behavioral traits house the genetic code of your Basic/Natural Self–the real or “true self”.
The FYNS process will help you reveal your “true self” including:
FYNS precisely measures four cornerstone behavioral traits, which are the DNA of your individual strengths and combine them to form your Basic/Natural Self. The Basic/Natural Self is how you function when there is freedom to respond in a completely natural way.
Important, to see your personal and unique Basic/Natural Self, including all the above, please refer to your personal “My Strengths Report.”
Keep in mind that this learning provides you a “thirty-thousand-foot” view of your four cornerstone behavioral traits.
Important, to see your unique pinpoint accuracy description for each of your four cornerstone behavioral traits, please refer to your personal “My Strengths Report.”
Understanding High Dominance, “Take-Charge Trait”
Understanding High Extroversion, “People Trait”
Understanding High Pace/Patience, “Patience Trait”
Understanding High Conformity, “System/Quality Assurance Trait”