FYNS precisely measures four cornerstone behavioral traits, Dominance, Extroversion, Pace, and Conformity. These are the DNA of your individual strengths, and combine to form your basic/natural self, that is, how you function when there is freedom to respond in a completely natural way.
Let’s get to basics of the Dominance trait.
Key Descriptors
- Take Charge Trait
- Act on the environment
- Control-oriented through things/concepts
- Direct, decisive, innovative and driven
- Take charge with big picture and bottom-line results in mind
The High-Dominance Point of View
- Focus on getting things done.
- Want to have, and may take authority to accomplish goals and achieve bottom-line results.
- Demand a great deal from self and others.
- Competitive in areas of perceived importance.
- Most productive when working with minimal supervision.
- Respond well to meeting challenges, good at solving complex problems.
- Like to develop concepts, often technically-oriented.
- Relate to team approach if it serves selected goals.
- Delegate responsibility, but not authority.
- Respect only what is perceived to be competent management or necessary education.
- Have little regard for titles or organizational charts of others.
- Ignore others’ ideas when their mind is made up.
- Prefer to give orders, rather than take them.
- Not aware of how strongly they come across to others.
- Tend to say exactly what they think.
- Prefer to market tangibles when in sales.
- May use intimidation or an air of self-confidence to hide insecurity, soft-heartedness, or lack of preparation.
© 1984, Rev. 2017 PDP, Inc. USA. All rights reserved.

Low Dominance
By contrast, the key descriptors in those with low in the dominance trait
- Support others and collaborate to accomplish results
- Prefer not to impose demands upon others’ time and work
- Accommodating and helpful
- Mild mannered, composed, often modest
- May wait for others to take the lead
- Most productive in a non-confrontational, peaceful environment
- May react to offensive commands by withdrawing or delaying action
Remember, the higher your dominance, the more take-charge you will be, the lower the dominance the more supportive you will be. It takes a combination of different people with different strengths for success in the journey!
© 1984, Rev. 2017 PDP, Inc. USA. All rights reserved.