FYNS precisely measures four cornerstone behavioral traits, Dominance, Extroversion, Pace, and Conformity. These are the DNA of your individual strengths, and combine to form your basic/natural self, that is, how you function when there is freedom to respond in a completely natural way.
Let’s get to the basics of Extroversion
Key Descriptors
- Social/Relational Trait: People and Fluency
- Act on Environment
- Control-oriented Through People
- Articulate Communicators, Adapt to Communication Styles
- Interactive, Motivational, Persuasive, and Influential
- Good at Role-playing, Inspiring, Envisioning, and Delegating
The High-Extroversion Point of View
- Put others at ease, influential and persuasive.
- Get energized in social surroundings.
- Tend to have a lot of acquaintances.
- Able to read people and know what they want to hear.
- Encourage team decisions, training and developing people.
- Delegate effectively and manage through others.
- Use understanding to get things done, create a strong support system.
- Depend on others for technical competence.
- Ability to develop promotional ideas and to work with intangibles.
- Want to, and need to, be liked and respected.
- Frustrated by contrary views and negativity.
- Overly optimistic about people and situations.
- Attracted to new opportunities, may shift from one idea to another without focus.
- Opportunistic at promoting self and ideas.
- Like to create a surprise effect, practical jokers.
- Aware of the impression made on others through appearance and belongs.
© 1984, Rev. 2017 PDP, Inc. USA. All rights reserved.

By contrast, the key descriptors for those low in Extroversion
- Contemplative, reserved
- Enjoy quietness and time to think
- Selective in whom they place trust
- Value personal privacy
- May have creative, individualistic and imaginative approach
- Communicate cautiously, sincerely and unpretentiously
- May be skeptical when pressured by someone perceived as flamboyant
Remember, the higher your extroversion, the more social/relational you will be, the lower the extroversion the more reserved you will be. It takes a combination of different people with different strengths for success in the journey!
© 1984, Rev. 2017 PDP, Inc. USA. All rights reserved.